Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Friday Night Theology

I wrote this blog for the Evangelical Alliance a few months ago and re-posting it here so I can find it in future.  The original is:

On the 28th October 313AD the world was changed.

Against overwhelming odds, but with newly-discovered Christian faith in his bosom, Constantine won a battle to become emperor of Western Europe.  Within 12 years he had become the first emperor in a generation to unite the whole Roman Empire and he had done it with Jesus’ name at the very centre.

If you’ve lived in the West then being part of the church has made your life more comfortable ever since.  It was never supposed to be this way.

As St Paul put it 250 years earlier: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”[i]

The heroes of the early church were the martyrs not the well-paid men who rub shoulders with culture’s elites.  They had Polycarp martyred at 86[ii].  We have Rick Warren brilliantly praying at Obama’s inauguration.  They had Felicity and Perpetua – two young mothers thrown to the wild animals[iii].  We have Bishops serving in the House of Lords and faithfully preaching at royal weddings.

Tuesday’s shocking murder of Fr. Jacques Hamel at 85 – simply for being a Christian – reminds us that the gospel is offensive.  It reminds us that the church is not safe.  It reminds us that the world needs Jesus.

The Gospel is offensive

The Gospel is the news that Jesus, in his life, death and resurrection, has achieved something for us that was desperately needed and beyond our ability to achieve.  We need his victory over death because we’re dying.  We need his victory over sin because we’re sin-addicts.  We need his victory over evil because evil not only invades our world; it permeates to the very core of our ego.

The gospel is offensive because it opens people’s eyes to the truth that they are dying sin-addicts with evil hearts.  It is offensive because we were told that we can be whoever we want to be.  We were told ‘impossible is nothing’.  We were told ‘just do it’.  And when our eyes are opened to the truth that we can’t our psyche is wounded.

No manner of prophets, pillars or prayers.  No manner of success, sex or celebrity.  Nothing we can do is enough.  So the message of the Gospel is offensive.

When deranged people are offended they do dreadful things.  From Nero, Domitian and Diocletian to Nazis, Daesh, and the disillusioned person down your road.  The gospel is offensive and we will see more deranged people doing dreadful things to the Church of Jesus before He returns.

The Church is Unsafe

Father Jacques Hamel was a priest near a city called Rouen.  Although history has visited tragedy on the region many times before, Rouen feels rather close to home, like it should be safe.  I’m a pastor in Leeds, and it’s unnervingly easy to imagine a similar tragedy here.

We’ve received communiqués on security in light of this attack and there is a heightened sense of nervousness around.  I’m struck by the reminder that the church is uncomfortable.  It is not safe to leave your phone lying around on a Sunday.  It is not necessarily safe to leave the door open on a Tuesday.  But it is not safe to pray in Gethsemane.  It is not safe to bear witness to Christ in the amphitheatre.  It is not safe to be a Christian.

“Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.”[iv] a description of Jesus immortalised by CS Lewis.

The World needs Jesus

Because he didn’t pursue the safe and comfortable, Jesus won a victory over sin, over evil and over death.

If we are willing to live shared lives.  To live with open doors when it’s not safe.  To live with open hearts when we’ve been hurt before.  To live with open hands when we will be taken advantage of.  If we are willing to live shared lives then the victory of Christ will shine brighter even as the darkness deepens.  It’s not safe anymore (if it ever truly was) but we will certainly “shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the word of life.”[v]

The challenge to you today?  Recognise the reality of whatever danger you’re in and choose to stand for the Gospel anyway because the world needs it and Jesus is with you.

Maybe one day someone will write that on the 26th July 2016 the world was changed.  The true church woke up, got up and stood up for the gospel when it wasn’t safe and Jesus took the glory.

[i] Philippians 1:21 (NIV)
[ii] Martyrdom of Polycarp
[iii] The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicity
[iv] The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; CS Lewis
[v] Philippians 2:15b (NIV)

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