Let me tell you about this hero. Ethan is 5 now - nearly 6. He's hilarious, beautiful and smart. He's the world's greatest oldest brother - and has the world at his feet.
Last week my wife and I had a couple over to dinner after he (and his little brother and sister) had gone to bed. Just as we're serving food he rocks up in the dining room asking for a drink - he didn't know we had guests over and when they greeted him he was terrified.
I'm standing near Ethan so I pick him up and hold him close. Ethan buries his head in my chest and looks for the world to swallow him up. I feel for you little man - I've been there - we've all been there.
Except this time your dad's got you safe. I introduced him like this:
"Hey guys this is Ethan. He's amazing. He's so big he's nearly six now. Did you know he is so clever - he even got 6 on his spelling test this morning. He's my biggest boy and I'm so proud of him." Or something equally gushing and cringe-worthy.
Except he didn't cringe. He didn't hide even more. He jumped down to show off his spellings, talked about his day at school and his computer game and his little brother. He came out of himself and our guests got to see the 'real' Ethan.
I wonder if that's how Jesus felt when the Father says "this is my son - I love him - I'm proud of him"? As Christians we have the same status as Jesus - so maybe today - if you're struggling to show people the 'real' you the solution is not another social media update, drink or label. Maybe just maybe the solution is stopping to let yourself hear God your Father whisper
"You are mine. I love you. I'm proud of you."
It worked for Ethan.
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