Friday, 26 October 2012

Arguments for the existence of God

My faith in Jesus is not founded on logical arguments but on an experience of God working in and through me.  However if God is real, it would be natural if we could look at his world and observe his handiwork.  This is my effort at trying to clarify how I see God at work in the world every day.
The arguments are well known, the red highlights are what I take from them.  Please note the sequential nature of the conversation:
1.       Classical Ontological Argument (Being)
a.        God is by definition an absolutely perfect being.
b.       But existence is a perfection.
c.        Therefore, God must exist.
Creates the possibility of God’s existence (non-trivial)

2.       Classical Cosmological Argument (Cause)
a.        The universe had a beginning.
b.       Anything that had a beginning must have been caused by something else.
c.        Therefore the universe was caused by something else (a Creator)
Activates God’s existence in our minds

3.       Classical Teleological Argument (Purpose)
a.        All designs imply a designer.
b.       There is a great design in the universe.
c.        Therefore, there must be a Great Designer of the universe.
The God who exists must be more complex, powerful and intelligent than we can conceive

4.       Modern Moral Argument (Law of God)
a.        Moral laws imply a Moral Law Giver.
b.       There is an objective moral law.
c.        Therefore, there is a Moral Law Giver.
This God value’s life and human life above all else in creation

5.       Modern Epistemological Argument (Existence of Rationality)
a.        Human rationality correlates with the rational structure of the world.
b.       If the world developed by chance, it would be highly unlikely that human rationality would correlate with the structure of the world.
c.        Therefore, there must be a Creator that created human rationality to correlate with the rational structure of the world.
We have a unique capacity to know God and mediate between him and the world

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