Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Physics-shattering miracles?

One of my favorite questions sent in after my talk on the 25th Nov @1830service was this:

Aristotle talked about a prime mover who kicked things off and left it.  I guess miracles are a sign there is an interventionist God.  But how many truly physics-shattering miracles have we seen?

I've seen a man blinded (probably by cataracts) healed by God while one of my friends was praying for them.  I've prayed with a woman incapacitated by advanced malaria serving her family with food less than 24 hours after being prayed for.  I've seen a friend walk out of his wheelchair and a huge bruise disappear on a different friend. I've heard accurate words of knowledge and seen countless people impacted physiologically and emotionally by the power of the Holy Spirit while being prayed for.

But these are all as nothing...

Can everything be explained without God?

I've been answering a number of questions that were sent in via text or tweet after my talk @1830service on the 25th Nov.  One of the toughest questions that was sent through that night was this:
'Outside the Bible, how can we find concrete evidence to help our friends who are looking for tangible evidence of God?  Everything I day as an example my friend explains it with science.  Even miracles, she doesn't believe in them.  Help!'